UPSC IES Syllabus- Know all About it!
For any exam that the candidate is preparing for, clarity on the exam syllabus plays a key role. The right syllabus helps the candidate prepare well and gives an edge over other competitors especially in an exam like UPSC IES. UPSC IES being one of the toughest exams in India, the concepts & the coverage of the subject the candidate is expected to know becomes the most important thing in their preparation. This article will help the candidate in learning the exact UPSC IES syllabus that the commission has released for the candidates to refer.
As per the notification released by the UPSC on the 25th of September 2019 for the recruitment exams for the 495 vacancies across a category of Engineering disciplines, mentioned below is the detailed syllabus pattern for UPSC IES ECE Syllabus as well as for the Mechanical / Civil / Electrical Engineering vacancies.
General Studies & Engineering Aptitude
The difficulty level and the portion of the paper I (Preliminary Examination) will be as that of Science / Engineering Graduate from any Indian University/education board. The commission has announced that none of the papers will have practical exams.
Topics Covered.
Current issues on social, economic and industrial development, of National and International Importance.
Logical reasoning and Analytical ability.
Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
Basics of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety
Guidelines and Quality practices in production, maintenance, Construction and services
Basics concepts of Energy and Environment: Environmental pollution and degradation, Conservation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment, etc.
Basics of Project Management and Material Science
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools. Engineering applications may include e-governance & Technology based education
Ethics and values in the Engineering profession.
Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering
The UPSC IES ECE syllabus has been released by the commission for the Main Exam Paper 1 and Paper 2 on their official Website.
Mentioned below are the detailed portions released by the commission.
Paper I
1. Basic Electronics Engineering
2. Basic Electrical Engineering
3. Materials Science
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
5. Network Theory
6. Analog and Digital Circuits
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems
2. Control Systems
3. Computer Organization and Architecture
4. Electro Magnetics
5. Advanced Electronics Topics
6. Advanced Communication Topics
Civil Engineering
For the Civil Engineering Questions in both the Paper 2 of Preliminary exam as well as the Main exam will cover this syllabus;
Paper I
1. Building Materials
2. Solid Mechanics
3. Structural Analysis
4. Design of Steel Structures
5. Design of Concrete and Masonry structures
6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management
Paper II
1. Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power:
a. Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow
b. Hydraulic Machines and Hydro power
2. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
3. Environmental Engineering
a. Water Supply Engineering
b. Waste Water Engineering
c. Solid Waste Management
d. Solid Waste Management
4. Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering
5. Surveying and Geology
6. Transportation Engineering
a. Highway
b. Tunnelling
c. Airports
d. Railways
Mechanical Engineering
For the Mechanical Engineering Questions in both the Paper 2 of Preliminary exam as well as the Main exam will cover this syllabus;
Paper I
1. Fluid Mechanics
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning
4. Turbo Machinery
5. Power Plant Engineering
6. Renewable Sources of Energy
Paper II
1. Engineering Mechanics
2. Engineering Materials
3. Mechanisms and Machines
4. Design of Machine Elements
5. Manufacturing, Industrial and Maintenance Engineering
6. Mechatronics and Robotics
Electrical Engineering
For the Electrical Engineering Questions in both the Paper 2 of Preliminary exam as well as the Main exam will cover this syllabus;
Paper I
1. Engineering Mathematics
2. Electrical Materials
3. Electric Circuits and Fields
4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
5. Computer Fundamentals
6. Basic Electronics Engineering
Paper II
1. Analog and Digital Electronics
2. Systems and Signal Processing
3. Control Systems
4. Electrical Machines
5. Power Systems
6. Power Electronics and Drives
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